关于Liam Su | About Liam Su
大家好,我是Liam Su,一个充满好奇心的6岁男孩。我喜欢探索世界,学习新知识,尤其是对科技和人工智能感兴趣。
Hello everyone, I'm Liam Su, a curious 6-year-old boy. I love exploring the world, learning new things, and I'm especially interested in technology and artificial intelligence.
关于这个网站 | About This Website
This website was created by me together with my parents. It has several main purposes:
记录我的学习历程 | Document My Learning Journey: 这里会分享我每天学到的新东西,遇到的有趣挑战,以及我是如何解决问题的。 Here, I'll share new things I learn every day, interesting challenges I encounter, and how I solve problems.
分享学习资源 | Share Learning Resources: 我们会收集并分享适合儿童使用的学习工具和资源,特别是那些有趣又有教育意义的AI工具。 We collect and share learning tools and resources suitable for children, especially fun and educational AI tools.
推荐教育游戏 | Recommend Educational Games: 在这里你可以找到一些既好玩又能锻炼大脑的游戏和谜题。 Here you can find games and puzzles that are both fun and brain-training.
为家长提供建议 | Provide Advice for Parents: 我的爸爸妈妈也会分享他们在教育方面的心得,希望能帮助到其他家长。 My parents will also share their insights on education, hoping to help other parents.
欢迎加入我的学习之旅! | Welcome to Join My Learning Journey!
I invite everyone to explore the resources on this website and try out various interesting tools and games. Let's grow together on this exciting learning journey!
如果你有任何问题或想法,欢迎通过邮箱 jimmyisagoodguy@gmail.com 联系我们。
If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to contact us via email at jimmyisagoodguy@gmail.com.
关键词 | Keywords: 儿童AI, 教育技术, 儿童发展, 自主学习, 育儿资源, 益智游戏, 中国教育, 儿童学习工具
AI for kids, educational technology, child development, self-learning, parenting resources, brain games, Chinese education, learning tools for children